Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Too cute!

So David went out of town on Monday for the week, he will be home on Saturday. Since Sam was born neither one of us have been away from him for more than a few hours ( I know, I know we need to get away, trust me I have been trying to plan getting away overnight for a while now) on monday when Sam and I took David to the airport to fly to California Sam did not really understand that daddy would be gone for a while. So later that night he kept asking me to go to the airport and get daddy back, it was so sweet.

I have never really thought about Sam as a daddy's boy, I always thought that he was a mommy's boy, boy have I been proven wrong about that one! Since David left all Sam has been asking for is for daddy to come home, laying in bed this morning Sam rolled over to lay on me and said "mommy, I love my daddy will you bring him home please!" Oh I just wanted to love him and then love him some more, it was just too cute for words.

It will be interesting to see if this missing daddy turns into excitement when I tell him on Saturday that we are going to get daddy!!! I am glad that my son has a special bond with his daddy, but then again it makes me miss the special bond that we had when all he wanted was me! I guess there is room for me to share, it is so heart warming to see the interaction between David and his son, it was not too many years ago that we thought that there would never be a child for us to have this kind of love for, we are ever thankful and grateful to our heavenly father for sending us such a wonderful spirit and hope that we do what is necissary to teach him the things that he needs to know to grow into the wonderful man that I know he is going to be!

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