Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Moving again!!!!

So since I do not have my desktop computer up yet to be able to start this blog off right and get pictures of Sam as a baby and of David and I when we got married I thought that I would update about our latest adventure. David and I have been married for almost 14 years and in that time we have move a lot I mean a lot, we here we are moving yet again for the 14th time but hopefully this will be the last time for a long time!!!

In the 14 years that we have been married we have always rented and now we have decided that we would love to own our own house so when the chance to get out of our current lease was an option we decided better now than never right. So my wonderful sister offered for us to live with her for 6 months to be able to save some money for a down payment on a house and it could not have worked out better.

Both of my sisters children are no longer at home, Kendyl is married and living in Salt Lake and Tyler is going to school up in Logan so they have plenty of room for us and Sam. Until November our parents are living here also so it is a little crowded but managable, they have a partially finished basement with one bedroom a bathroom and a large living room, that is where my parents are staying right now until they leave to go to Arizona for the winter. We are building on an additional room in the basement for Sam and when we leave it will be turned into a Theatre room for them.

We are so very grateful for the kindness of others, I have always had a special place in my heart for my family but over the years I have come to realize that there is nothing that I would not do for them! My parents instilled in us the value of family and that family is the most important thing in this world, my parents are a great example of charity and kindness I hope that I can be that same kind of example one day and always do that which will make them proud!

So here are a few pictures of the room that we are building, hopefully it will be finished this week sometime!

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