Wednesday, September 23, 2009


So on Thursday of last week I took Sam to the dentist becuase I was worried about a cavity that had formed on one of his front teeth, I knew that he was going to have to get it taken care of because the enamel was coming off the tooth and would cause a problem eventually. I was not prepared for the dentist wanting to get it done that same day, he told us that he prefers to do same day procedures with toddlers so that it is not as traumatizing. Well not traumatizing for him but certainly for me!!!!

Since Sam is so young they put him under so that they could do the work that they needed to do without fighting with him, they told me that they wanted me in the room while they put the IV in so that he saw me as he was going under and was not as scared, yeah right whatever they want to believe even with me in the room he was scared to death. So they told him that they were going to test his muscles and that is when they put the IV in, I was trying to keep his attention on me, telling him how much I loved him and if he was a big boy then when it was over he could go to the store and pick out a toy (that usually works to get him to do whatever it is that I need him to do, but not this time).

As the doctor was trying to find a vein Sam was screaming and he looked at me as screamed "someone get him out of here!" It was really funny but then he was asking me to help him please mommy help me, and then within a matter of seconds he was out, it is a horrific expierience having your child go lifeless in your arms, that is when I lost it, here I was putting my childs life in someone else's hands and I was scared to death. Luckily I had made David come home early and go with me, I just cried in his arms feeling like the worst mother in the world because I would not help my son when he was begging for it. I knew that this was the best way to get the work done that needed to be done or my son would probably end up losing his front tooth a lot sooner that he should have, it was still scary.

The whole thing only took about 20 minutes to do and the doctor came in and said that everything went really well and that he put sealants on his teeth for free because once he was looking he really needed it and they had not talked with us about doing it, so he just did and that was really nice of him! We went into the room and they said that it would take about 5 to 10 minutes for him to wake up, but that we needed to try and rouse him so we were doing anything we could to try and get him to wake up but nothing was happening, I was starting to get really scared because he was taking so long to wake up and the nurses were acting a little worried also, they finally had a nurse come in with the smelling salts and that did the trick he about launched himself off the chair, but finally he was awake!

They told us that he would be mad the rest of the night and they were not joking he was in a horrible mood and it took him a few more hours to get control of his body fully, but by the time he went to bed he was so ready for it. All in all it went ok but I really don't think I will ever put my son thru that again it was a horrible expierence for me, luckily he does not remember anything about it! He should not need anymore dental work for a few more years and by that time he will be old enough to be able to sit still for it.

As I sit here and watch Sam dance with the Fresh Beat Band on TV acting his usual self it is nice to know that was just a temporary thing and he is back to normal driving me crazy and laughing the whole way!

Too cute!

So David went out of town on Monday for the week, he will be home on Saturday. Since Sam was born neither one of us have been away from him for more than a few hours ( I know, I know we need to get away, trust me I have been trying to plan getting away overnight for a while now) on monday when Sam and I took David to the airport to fly to California Sam did not really understand that daddy would be gone for a while. So later that night he kept asking me to go to the airport and get daddy back, it was so sweet.

I have never really thought about Sam as a daddy's boy, I always thought that he was a mommy's boy, boy have I been proven wrong about that one! Since David left all Sam has been asking for is for daddy to come home, laying in bed this morning Sam rolled over to lay on me and said "mommy, I love my daddy will you bring him home please!" Oh I just wanted to love him and then love him some more, it was just too cute for words.

It will be interesting to see if this missing daddy turns into excitement when I tell him on Saturday that we are going to get daddy!!! I am glad that my son has a special bond with his daddy, but then again it makes me miss the special bond that we had when all he wanted was me! I guess there is room for me to share, it is so heart warming to see the interaction between David and his son, it was not too many years ago that we thought that there would never be a child for us to have this kind of love for, we are ever thankful and grateful to our heavenly father for sending us such a wonderful spirit and hope that we do what is necissary to teach him the things that he needs to know to grow into the wonderful man that I know he is going to be!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Moving again!!!!

So since I do not have my desktop computer up yet to be able to start this blog off right and get pictures of Sam as a baby and of David and I when we got married I thought that I would update about our latest adventure. David and I have been married for almost 14 years and in that time we have move a lot I mean a lot, we here we are moving yet again for the 14th time but hopefully this will be the last time for a long time!!!

In the 14 years that we have been married we have always rented and now we have decided that we would love to own our own house so when the chance to get out of our current lease was an option we decided better now than never right. So my wonderful sister offered for us to live with her for 6 months to be able to save some money for a down payment on a house and it could not have worked out better.

Both of my sisters children are no longer at home, Kendyl is married and living in Salt Lake and Tyler is going to school up in Logan so they have plenty of room for us and Sam. Until November our parents are living here also so it is a little crowded but managable, they have a partially finished basement with one bedroom a bathroom and a large living room, that is where my parents are staying right now until they leave to go to Arizona for the winter. We are building on an additional room in the basement for Sam and when we leave it will be turned into a Theatre room for them.

We are so very grateful for the kindness of others, I have always had a special place in my heart for my family but over the years I have come to realize that there is nothing that I would not do for them! My parents instilled in us the value of family and that family is the most important thing in this world, my parents are a great example of charity and kindness I hope that I can be that same kind of example one day and always do that which will make them proud!

So here are a few pictures of the room that we are building, hopefully it will be finished this week sometime!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Moving Forward

So it seems that I have attempted this blogging thing a few times now and everytime I start and say this is going to be the time that I continue and try and write every day if not everyday then atleast once a week or more, and everytime I fail miserably!!! Well here it has been 5 months since my last post and yet again I find myself saying that same thing, this time will be different I am determined!!! So much has happened over the past several months that I am really passing up an opportunity to show my son the importance of making and keeping a journal, what better way to have a history of our life than thru a blog where I don't have to write anything by hand and I can add pictures of important events I have just been a procratinator and I need to get over that and MOVE FORWARD!

So I have determined that I really should start from the beginning and catch everyone up on what has been happening with the Smiths over the past 14 years! ( wow has it really been almost 14 years that I have been married, some days it seems much longer but most days it seems to have just flown by) So starting this week I am determined to make a history for my son it might bore some but he will one day enjoy reading about how hard we faught to be able to have him our miracle baby, how many struggles we have gone through and how much his mom and dad love eachother!

So here is to tomorrow, the start of a brand new beginning and the excitement of something new! I hope that at times I can make some laugh and at other times be taken seriously and maybe at some point touch someone who might need it in some way!

Remember "Life is not about trying to escape the clouds it's about learning to dance in the rain" something that I need to remember more often in my own life, sometimes I take life way too seriously, I need to relax and take it as it comes and enjoy the ups as well as the downs and learn to laugh at myself more often.