Friday, April 3, 2009

Third Nipple anyone?

So I am in the computer room the other day and I hear Sam yelling for me "Mommy Mommy look what I did" I come out to find Sam standing there laughing hysterically, he had suctioned one of his sippy cup lids to his chest and thought it was the funniest thing. I had to run and get my camera before he took it off, so there you have it I guess this is what kids do when they are bored. I have not laughed so hard in my life, he thought that it was pretty cool that he had learned how to do this so he spent the rest of the day putting it on the taking it off just to hear the sound that it made when it came off his skin.
So I just had to post a couple of other cute pictures of Sam, he loves to play with my sunglasses and pretend that he is driving, well on this day he had my purse and sunglasses along with his Buzz Lightyear wings and was pretending to fly around it was just too cute!

Funny story with this frog that Sam is holding, Scott and Maria went to Las Vegas for a vacation, well when they got back we were over there and they had brought all of their kids presents back from Vegas, well Sam started moping around and I asked him what was wrong and he said "nothing for me" well I guess they had been given this frog while they were there and Scott handed it to him and said here you go Sam this is for you, well he did not want anything to do with it till that night when he demanded to sleep with Scotty Frog, and that is what he still calls it.

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