Friday, April 3, 2009

Third Nipple anyone?

So I am in the computer room the other day and I hear Sam yelling for me "Mommy Mommy look what I did" I come out to find Sam standing there laughing hysterically, he had suctioned one of his sippy cup lids to his chest and thought it was the funniest thing. I had to run and get my camera before he took it off, so there you have it I guess this is what kids do when they are bored. I have not laughed so hard in my life, he thought that it was pretty cool that he had learned how to do this so he spent the rest of the day putting it on the taking it off just to hear the sound that it made when it came off his skin.
So I just had to post a couple of other cute pictures of Sam, he loves to play with my sunglasses and pretend that he is driving, well on this day he had my purse and sunglasses along with his Buzz Lightyear wings and was pretending to fly around it was just too cute!

Funny story with this frog that Sam is holding, Scott and Maria went to Las Vegas for a vacation, well when they got back we were over there and they had brought all of their kids presents back from Vegas, well Sam started moping around and I asked him what was wrong and he said "nothing for me" well I guess they had been given this frog while they were there and Scott handed it to him and said here you go Sam this is for you, well he did not want anything to do with it till that night when he demanded to sleep with Scotty Frog, and that is what he still calls it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Phew that was close

This afternoon was one of those, you know the kind where you just have to get down on your knees and thank your Heavenly Father for the blessings that he gives you! So let me start by saying that I am extremely blessed, this morning everything was just fine, other than Sam turning on my flat iron and burning the crap out of his thumb, oh yeah and me having to go to the dentist and get two cavities filled it was actually turning out to be a pretty nice day, then this afternoon I get a call from David saying "well I just survived my first lay off" and for a second my heart stopped all I had heard was "lay off" and that usually means looking for a job in our house. I said "wait what you still have a job"? The relief was unimaginable we usually don't get so lucky with lay offs David is usually the first to go because of the fact that he is usually on contract which means he is not really a "employee" and so the saying goes "last one hired, first one fired". We were very lucky, he was the only one kept from his entire department besides the department manager, I guess some of the developers really went to bat for him and really pushed for him to stay, what great men! The computer industry is really up and down right now and we are one of the fortunate ones that are still employed, and so I say again it is one of those moments that I know that our Heavenly Father was watching over us! Unfortunately this all means that our Disneyland trip is off, maybe for just a month, maybe longer. We had planned to take the 10-19 off for vacation but because David is the only one there he just cannot take the time, he will be putting in a lot of hours, working saturdays and pushing to test all that he can hand keep on impressing them so if there is more layoffs to come they will hopefully see that he is really putting in the effort to prove to them they made a good decision in keeping him. I am really disappointed that we will not be able to go, but I am extremely proud of my husband for doing what he knows needs to be done to do his job right. And thank my Heavenly Father for all the blessings that he continues to pour down upon us.

Binky Baby

So I have just come to the conclusion that I have created a MONSTER! Sam just loves his binky, he will hide them and whenever he wants one he just goes to his "spot" and gets one, of course I can never find where his "spot" is for I am sure that he has many LOL! I would not have so much a problem with letting him have the binky if he did something more than the top picture shows which is just chewing on it, but what can you do. He is just too darn cute and knows just what to do to melt my heart away, and pretty much get whatever he wants, AHHHHH the monster I have created!